I guess every parent thinks their kid is special - and who can blame them? | ![]() |
Ryan started Kindergarten this year and loves it so far (especially the bus ride to school).
Ryan has come up with some interesting thoughts over the years and I kept saying I would write them down.
At 6yrs old I am amazed at how much he already knows - or how he can make sense of things.
Here are just a few.
Oct. 24th, 1998
walked into the kitchen and asked my wife if she would get him something,
her reply was "In just a minute."
said "Mom, do you mean one of dad's 'Just a minutes,' or one of your 'Just
a minutes' ?? Because dad's 'Just a minutes,' are a lot longer
August, 1998:
in the car one afternoon we past a soybean processing plant that had steam
pouring out of one of the smoke stacks.
pointed and exclaimed, "Look , there's a cloud making machine!!"
Later on in the same drive we were being given the third degree about tornados by Ryan. Finally I asked Ryan to tell me why there were tornados and why they blew down houses. He thought for a second and replied "Because people forget to move, and this way they have to move."
When he was 4 yrs old.
One morning, as my wife and I were TRYING to get a few extra minutes of shut-eye, Ryan stood in our doorway asking one of us to get up. He was persistant and we were both procrastinating. But Ryan just stood there at the door telling us it was time to get up. Finally, my wife said with exasperation, "Ryan - can you say 'Ornry" ?" Ryan replied immediatly, "I can, but I don't want to."
(ok - maybe to many of you that one doesn't click - but to us - he was being 'ornry' in his reply - as another case - our two year old was asked the same question yesterday - his reply was 'yes' - but he would not say it - he would only admit that he COULD say the word).